The School of American Persuasion (SAP) has important courses which affect both of the other school courses. SAP is a school which discusses the impact of advertising on you. Big Business wants you to be CONFUSED.
In an interview for his book INEQUALITY on the Morning Joe Show on MSNBC, Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Stiglitz said that Big Business had spent billions to figure out how to sell products to us. That is called advertising.
And now, they were using the same selling technics to sell us ideas that they want us to believe. That is called propaganda. And, a lot of it is untruthful and CONFUSING.
Joe Scarborough, the moderator, stopped Prof. Stiglitz and changed the topic to how unequal that the Prof. thought that things were. I saw other interviews with the Prof. But, he never again mentioned the use of propaganda by Big Business to make us believe what they want.
Media Corporations, such as TV Corporations, make their money from selling advertising to Big Corporations. Those Big Corporations only buy advertising time on the TV stations that are friendly to their products and their ideas / propaganda.
So, you will never hear that the advertising of ideas by Big Corporations is bad for US and our Economy. News about the use propaganda by Big Corporations or Big Business is bad for the Big Corporations and TV Corporations.
Those stories about how the Big Corporations are doing bad things, such as sending jobs overseas, polluting, lowering wages, etc., appear one day, if ever, and are gone by the next day to be replaced by things that are not as important and that are not bad for Big Corporations.
Important News for you and me is no longer covered at all or for long.
Nine Big Media Corporation control 90% of our Media. Other Big Corporations control the Big Media Corporation and our News. It is all very profitable.
Big Corporations believe that sending Our Jobs overseas is good, and they will advertise till you believe it too. If you repeat a lie long enough, many will believe it.
They will keep repeating the sales pitch even if it is proven wrong. We forget sometimes what has been proven wrong. CONFUSING? Yes!
If you tell the Big Lie often enough, it can become the Big Truth to many!